2006 Have you ever had a mentor? | White River Design
The year of learning 'just' how much the word 'just' minimises everything.

Have you ever had a mentor?

My very first ‘official’ mentor was an amazing woman called Kathy Rojo. It was 2006 and my daughter was 8 weeks old. I was accepted onto a government funded Women in Business Mentoring program, which was when Kathy came into my life. She changed my mindset and my business with ‘just’ one word…

Kathy Rojo Mentor

‘Just’ needs to go

When I introduced myself to Kathy, I said that I was just a mother with a design business. In a few short, sharp sentences, Kathy explained to me that by using the word ‘just’ I was diminishing myself, my business and my work with one simple word. My challenge – to remove the word ‘just’ from my vocabulary. I had to switch my wording to be – I’m a business owner producing award winning graphic design. The fact that I was a mother, wife, sister, daughter or friend was not relevant. Read more>>>

You can never learn enough

My first unofficial mentor was the indelible Jane Holdsworth who I have mentioned in previous emails. She was the CEO of the PVEDC and had an insurmountable passion for helping small business owners. A number of us were lucky enough to participate on the Home Based Business Action Program. I am aware of at least 3 of these entrepreneurs who have sold their businesses, including my great friend, Melissa Browne who is now a well known financial educator, who sold her local accounting business for 7 figures! Spot anyone you recognise? Read the press article>>>

home based business action mentor


Unsolicited advice #4

Invest in yourself. You can never spend too much time and money on education and self development – that goes for you and your team. This is a great quote that I heard in my first years in business.

“But what if I train them and they leave? What if you don’t train them and they stay?”

I have invested in business coaches, mentors, training, certified education, masterclasses and the myriad of free training through webinars and podcasts. What are you going to do this year to invest in yourself?

Dipping our toes in awards world

Michelle and I attended our first awards night together at the Penrith Business Awards and were thrilled to receive the award for Outstanding Professional Services. We then became finalists in the Champion of Champion Awards along with the Log Cabin, Oxigen Mind and Body Fitness, Nepean Regional Security and a few others – find out who>>>

Sometimes we were finalists in awards, and other times we were lucky enough to win. But each time we got the opportunity to attend an awards evening with fabulous business owners and get to celebrate what we have achieved.
PS: A very young Melissa McIntosh (left) our local federal MP as a judge for the Altitude Awards.


I love hearing from you…

This is what happens when you post your very first professional photo to Instagram and one of your friends decides to turn it into a meme!

Thanks Tony Larven (#baldsexyman) from The Studio Glenbrook for your devilishly entertaining wit and engagement – we need to work on your choice of font and typesetting skills 🤣

Written by our Creative Director & Branding Specialist Debbie O'Connor - Consultant, Strategist, Keynote Speaker

Published: Dec 28th, 2022