Blog | White River Design
When did you realise that running a business was more than just making sales?
It's easy to get distracted by shiny things in business. This was our year for shiny things.
The year of learning 'just' how much the word 'just' minimises everything.
I had someone coming into my home a few days a week, while I was juggling my little family.
Have you ever been given advice and then did what you wanted anyway? That was me.
Diamonds are created under immense pressure, so we put our heads together, made significant changes and did what we had to do to survive!
I wish my big break had to do with what I knew. But the truth is, it was about who I knew. #networkingworks
I'm not going to lie. This is a massive thing for me.
It's not often you get to celebrate 20 years in business, so we decided to take a moment...